Three years ago I had no job and no savings. I was living on my credit card and loans. I was renting in a house with 4 other people and sharing a room. I had worked my whole life as a chef/baker and couldnt do it anymore. I had no idea what career I wanted. I knew I couldn't go back! I volunteered at about 6 different organisations for 6 months. I asked for money to reimburse my transport and I cycled on a second-hand bicycle to get around. I only had one set of work clothes and wore the same thing every day. I pushed through a lot of shame and social anxiety as a 30+ person with "nothing to show". I applied for jobs every week. Finally I was offered one day a week as a receptionist at my current workplace. My hours increased. About a year later I discovered witchcraft and developed magical practice. I did a lot of workings for myself around success and money. And it worked! I got promoted at my day job to manager and got a raise. I worked long hours and hard to save money, knowing the whole time that this still isn't what I really want to do. Over time I have become burnt out and been reminded that life moves in chapters and we must always keep moving towards what we really deeply want, or we will lose our connection to our heart and our joy. I am going back to university in September part time to study counselling and pursue my dream of becoming a professional therapist and tarot reader. . Take a moment to reflect on how many old beliefs you've shed about your abilities and your competence and how many seemingly insurmountable barriers you've broken through to get where you are today.

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